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Helpful Links

Since so much of the information that a Quality Assurance Manager or Nuclear Lead Auditor needs is spread across so many sources, here is a list of helpful links that will give you a shortcut to the information you need.  Please contact me if you have suggestions for additional links!


10CFR50 Appendix B – Quality Assurance Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants and Fuel Reprocessing Plants

10CFR21 – Reporting of Defects and Noncompliance.  Don’t forget to click the link “Subscribe to Page Updates” on the NRC’s 10CFR21 page to get automatic updates when 10CFR21 is revised.

NQA-1 Versions: NQA-1-2015NQA-1-2008NQA-1-1994 – Available through Techstreet as either hard copy or as a secure pdf. Don’t forget to look for coupon codes before you buy.


NUPIC Downloads – Includes the NUPIC Audit Checklist, Survey Checklist, and implementation guides

NIAC Homepage – Includes a link to the NIAC Audit Checklist public copy.  Note that it contains a disclaimer image on each page, but it can be removed with a pdf editor.

ASNT SNT-TC-1A – This is a checklist for NDT Personnel Training, Qualification and Certification per ASNT-SNT-TC-1A 2011.  You can also find checklists for earlier years on this site.



NRC Reg Guide 1.28 Rev 5 – Quality Assurance Program Criteria, endorses NQA-1 2011 addenda to the 2008 edition, NQA-1-2012, and NQA-1-2015, with additional clarification and positions.  Previous revisions of Reg Guide 1.28 can be found here.

Letter from NRC regarding accredited services – Gives guidance on use of accreditation in lieu of audit/survey, for more information on additional accreditations, see the Laboratory Calibration and Testing Services section here

Commercial Grade Dedication – Guideline for the Acceptance of Commercial-Grade Items in Nuclear Safety-Related Applications: Revision 1 to EPRI NP-5652 and TR-102260

10CFR21 Reports – Notifications and Reports sent to the NRC regarding 10CFR21 deviations, defects, and failures to comply.

EPRI 3002002982 – Revision 1 to EPRI NP-5652 and TR-102260 which gives guidance on performance of Commercial Grade Dedication.

EPRI 1016157 – Information for Use in Conducting Audits of Supplier Commercial Grade Item Dedication Programs

EPRI NP-6630 – Guidelines for Performance-Based Supplier Audits (NCIG-16)

NRC Generic Letter 89-02 – Actions to Improve the Detection of Counterfeit and Fraudulently Marketed Products

NRC Generic Letter 91-05 – Commercial-Grade Procurement and Dedication Programs

NRC Information Notice 86-21 – NRC recognition of ASME stamps N, RA, NPT or NV for meeting 10CFR50 Appendix B.

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